The OFA’s most important contribution to Oberholtzer family descendants is The Oberholtzer Book: A Foundation Book of Oberholtzer Immigrants and Unestablished Lines, which was compiled and edited by Barbara B. Ford. Published by the OFA in 1995, The Oberholtzer Book chronicles the first generations of six “established” Oberholtzer lines, and 18 other “unestablished” lines identified in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Also documented are five Canadian lines, three Virginia lines, eight female lines, and “odds and ends.” See OFA Book.
While the OFA Book is available for purchase, we realize that there are those who prefer not to buy books. Therefore, the OFA has established a lookup activity to assist current Overholser family researchers in connecting their current family tree to the Overholser families of the past.
To request a lookup, please contact the Overholser Family Association. Please include the names (husband and wife plus known children), dates (birth, marriage, and death), and locations of your earliest known Overholser ancestor. Please include “Overholser Lookups” in the subject of the email. Finally, please include your US mail address.